Experience & Sectors : Energy Management, Energy IoT, IoT Engineering, ISM Band RF Modems, Cellular Modems, Smart Grids, Micro Grids, Industrial Gateways, Electricity Meters, AMI/AMR, Optical Probes, Smart Elevator Control Technics, Traffic Intersection Control Systems, LED Sign Boards, LED Matrix Boards ,LED Videowalls, VMSs, Working Machines Control Units and Noninvasive Medical Devices. Specialization: R&D Management, P&D Management, Embedded Systems, Smart Elevators, Smart Grids, IoT, Industrial Design Planning, Production Management, Production Tests and Certification, Component Supply Management, Hardware Design, PCB Design, Embedded Software Management, EMI/EMC Design, Molding, SMT Planning, Prototyping, Low Energy Design, Supply Chain Management for Electronic Components, Domestic and International Outsource Management Skills: MCU(PIC/ARMs/RENESAS), CPU(TI,MOTOROLA),Serial Comm(RS232,CAN,RS485,I2C,SPI etc.), Programming (PIC ASM,C,C++), PLC(Power Line Carrier), Protocols (ModBus, DLMS/COSEM), Standard (IEC62056-21), ISM Band RF, Bluetooth 2.1 & BLE, Wifi, TCP/IP, Mechanical Design for Enclosures. Tools: PCB ( Diptrace,Eagle and Altium Designer), Project Mang.( MS Prj.Mang., Redmine, Git, GitLab, SVN, Jira, Confluence), Graphical ( Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, PaintNet ), Ind.Design ( Solidworks-Viewer), Documentation (MS Office Fully), Mechanical ( Fusion360 )